Will My pet dog Be sad if I get A Puppy?


A couple people have told me they’re concerned I’m getting a puppy.

They’re anxious about my 10-year-old pet dog Ace, that I’ll hurt his feelings, break his heart or that our puppy will be too much for him.

But I know my pet dog very well, and Ace will be just fine.

Ace has had a good life.

He is a very easygoing person who opts for the flow. He is accepting of people and dogs and as long as he continues to get plenty of love and attention (which he will), he will adapt.

Remember, we’ve had over 60 dogs come and stay with us over the last 9 years. Ace and my cats are very good with accepting other dogs; they’re used to it.

Most likely what will happen is Ace will engage very little with the puppy, mostly ignoring him. They might play on occasion, and I’m certain Ace will snarl as needed but for the most part he’ll ignore.

This won’t be because of a broken heart or from spite or jealousy.

It will be because Ace is fine with his life as it is. He sleeps a lot of of the day now; he’ll do so in April too.

This doesn’t indicate all older dogs would be fine with a puppy. Some might be very traumatized by it. I’m just saying I know my own pet dog well as each of you know yours.

I have zero expectations for Ace and my cats. They are complimentary to react to the puppy however they do, and that’s fine.

I have no expectations for any of them to play or cuddle. a lot of likely they will all neglect the new guy. It will be my job to entertain the puppy.

A puppy will demand a lot of my time and yes I will be stressed and worn out and wondering what the hell I’ve done.

As long as I remember to RELAX, have fun and not get too upset with the puppy, Ace will be ok too.

We’ve had about 12 foster dogs and over 50 of my clients’ dogs stay with us over the years.

Ace is used to sharing his space with dogs of all ages and energy levels.

Perhaps he’ll wonder when the pup is leaving, but I don’t think dogs sit and ponder those types of questions.

The puppy is a lot more about me than Ace. maybe it’s selfish to get a puppy as my current pet dog is now 10, but I rarely do anything for myself and I want a young pet dog in my life again.

I don’t have a running buddy, hiking buddy or a pet dog I can take to agility or obedience classes. (Here’s a cute video of Ace and I during agility years ago!)

Ace is retired from these things and has been for a lot more than a year now.

That’s OK, and he and I have other things we do like short “strolls” or sitting in the lawn at the park.

But I miss a young dog.

Some have suggested Ace will see me with the puppy and feel he’s being replaced.

I can’t imagine my pet dog could comprehend that level of complexity. Those are human issues and emotions, not a dog’s.

Will my pet dog be sad if I get a puppy?

Mă îndoiesc de asta.

Ace knows he is loved. He knows he’s safe and has the things he needs.

He is simply not capable of creating stories of drama and conflict.

Ace is a good boy.

Ace is loved.

Cam despre asta e.

Do any of you have “multiple generations” of dogs in your family?

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